Declarative parse error reporting with Menhir
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Many parsers for custom formats aren't very user friendly when it comes to error handling. At best you get the line and column where the error is, at worst a “Parse error” message is all you get. Can we do better? With right tools, we definitely can and it's not that hard.
I doubt anyone is making unfriendly parsers intentionally. It’s just that many tools make it hard to do. Making parsers is a well-understood problem with a variety of ready to use solutions, but few of them make handling errors easy.
When I started working on a new version of bnfgen, my main goal was to make it usable for non-programmers (writers, linguists, and anyone who may be interested in formal languages). After all, a programmer can make an equivalent tool in an evening—if ease of use for anyone else isn’t a concern.
It’s been using Menhir—the de facto standard LR(1) parser generator for OCaml from the start, but error handling was rudimentary at best. The traditional approach with an error token is there, like in any other yacc, but I never found it very appealing, so I started looking for alternatives and found that recent Menhir versions indeed offer one—they allow declarative error messages.
However, the new way of error handling doesn’t work with the classic yacc-like “monolithic” API, so I had to learn about the new incremental API first.
The incremental API
Menhir has two parser API options: monolithic and incremental. The monolithic approach
is typical for yacc-like tools: it produces a blackbox module with no user-serviceable
parts inside. There’s one function of type (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a
that takes a lexer produced by ocamllex or a compatible tool and gives you an AST.
The incremental API is much more flexible. It makes no assumptions about the lexer API, you just give it tokens, and it gives you the parser state that you can inspect and act upon. The downside is that you are responsible for driving it, there’s no “just give me the AST” function.
Let’s look at an example of driving the parser.
The grammar in question is BNF-like with two notable additions: rules are semicolon-separated, and you can add a “weight” before tokens to influence how often an alternative is taken. For example, in this rule, the recursive alternative is ten times more likely to be taken:
<start> ::= 10 <start> "foo" | "foo" ;
The parser is at src/bnf_parser.mly. There is no need to change anything in the parser to make use of the incremental API, instead we need to add one more module for its driver.
Here is the code that you can use as a blueprint for your own driver, after adjusting the module and type names:
open Util
open Lexing
module I = Bnf_parser.MenhirInterpreter
let get_parse_error env =
match I.stack env with
| lazy Nil -> "Invalid syntax"
| lazy (Cons (I.Element (state, _, _, _), _)) ->
try (Bnf_parser_messages.message (I.number state)) with
| Not_found -> "invalid syntax (no specific message for this eror)"
let rec parse lexbuf (checkpoint : Grammar.grammar I.checkpoint) =
match checkpoint with
| I.InputNeeded _env ->
let token = Bnf_lexer.token lexbuf in
let startp = lexbuf.lex_start_p
and endp = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
let checkpoint = I.offer checkpoint (token, startp, endp) in
parse lexbuf checkpoint
| I.Shifting _
| I.AboutToReduce _ ->
let checkpoint = I.resume checkpoint in
parse lexbuf checkpoint
| I.HandlingError _env ->
let line, pos = Util.get_lexing_position lexbuf in
let err = get_parse_error _env in
raise (Syntax_error (Some (line, pos), err))
| I.Accepted v -> v
| I.Rejected ->
raise (Syntax_error (None, "invalid syntax (parser rejected the input)"))
The Syntax_error
exception is defined in the Util
module, it’s so that the lexer and the parser can easily use the same exception and it could be caught in the same way.
The top level type of the parser is Grammar.grammar
, so we define a parse
function that will have
lexbuf -> Grammar.grammar I.checkpoint -> Grammar.grammar
type. The 'a I.checkpoint
is the type of the parser state.
In the I.InputNeeded
state we feed the parser a token. The I.offer
function takes a tuple of the token and its
starting and ending positions in the input file. The lexbuf
record produced by ocamllex exposes them as
and lex_curr_p
fields—a somewhat obscure fact that I never needed to know when using the monolithic API.
The state most interesting to us for this post is I.HandlingError
. It comes with a value that contains information
about the error state that we pass to the get_parse_error
function. That function calls Bnf_parser_messages.message
on the state number to get an error message.
Where the Bnf_parser_messages
module comes from is the most interesting part. It’s autogenerated from declarative
descriptions of error messages.
The workflow is:
menhir --list-errors
on the parser to get a template file with error states (bnf_parser.messages
). -
Edit the
file and add error message descriptions. -
menhir --compile-errors bnf_parser.messages bnf_parser.mly
to generate the error handling module.
Let’s inspect these steps in detail.
Getting the error state data
Menhir can produce a file that lists all token sequences that ends in error states.
You just need to call it with --list-errors
option and it will write the data to stdout.
In our case, the command is menhir --list-errors src/bnf_parser.mly
menhir --list-errors src/bnf_parser.mly > src/bnf_parser.messages
In BNFGen, that file is at src/bnf_parser.messages.
A typical entry looks like:
## Ends in an error in state: 8.
## rule_rhs_part -> NUMBER . rule_rhs_symbols [ SEMI OR EOF ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
States are defined by token sequences, so they will stay the same if state numbers in the automaton change.
Adding error messages
All you need to do is to replace the error message placeholders with actual error messages. That’s also the tricky part because error states is all you get, and a state doesn’t always equal one and only one incorrect input.
Menhir is still an LR(1) generator so the lookahead depth is just one token. Less ambiguous languages allow much better error messages, so if you are in position to design a language from scratch, you should take it into account.
My attempt to apply this approach to another project that deals with another language failed because that language is so ambiguous that even a much deeper lookahead wouldn’t help much.
The main danger is to underestimate the number of ways a parser can end up in a particular state. Overlooking a state can led to a confusing error message unrelated to the actual mistake. Optional tokens that can be empty can make it especially challenging.
BNFGen’s grammar is relatively unambiguous though, so the errors are more or less descriptive. There still may be missed cases when the same error is displayed for two unrelated states, but it’s still better than nothing.
In the example above, it’s obvious what may cause that state: a rule with weight specified but tokens
missing, like <start> ::= 10 ;
So, the complete entry is:
Weight number must be followed by a symbol identifier or a string.
Example of a valid rule: <start> ::= 10 <foo> | <bar> ;
Here’s an example of a tricky state that I in fact caught while writing this post.
## Ends in an error in state: 11.
## rule_rhs_part -> NUMBER rule_rhs_symbols . [ SEMI OR EOF ]
## rule_rhs_symbols -> rule_rhs_symbols . symbol [ STRING SEMI OR IDENTIFIER EOF ]
## The known suffix of the stack is as follows:
## NUMBER rule_rhs_symbols
Unterminated rule (missing semicolon somewhere?)
Example of a valid rule: <start> ::= 10 <foo> | 5 <bar> | "baz" ;
Looking at the token sequence, it seems like the bad input it catches is like <foo> ::= 10 "bar" 20 "baz" ;
and the error message should tell the user about a missing pipe (vertical line).
However, since weight is optional, it’s broader and also catches inputs like <foo> ::= 10 "bar" <bar> ::= "bar"
where the error is caused by a missing semicolon. Perhaps it could be fixed by better grammar rules.
Generating the error handling module
That’s the simplest part. Once you have the messages file ready, you can produce a module from it with:
menhir --compile-errors src/bnf_parser.messages src/bnf_parser.mly
It needs both a messages file and a parser file so that it can map those abstract state descriptions to concrete automaton state numbers from the current parser code.
The function is very simple internally, it takes the state number that we receive from the incremental API and maps it to a message. The complexity is all inside the Menhir library.
If you have missed any error states, it will raise a Not_found
exception, which is why we have to handle it
in the get_parse_error
function discussed earlier.
let message =
fun s ->
match s with
| 0 ->
"Invalid syntax.\n"
| _ ->
raise Not_found
Dune integration
Dune integration is mostly straightforward, except for the --compile-errors
step made complicated by
Menhir’s insistence of writing the code to stdout. I wish it had an option to save it to file (maybe I should make a patch).
Dune’s with-stdout-to
macro allows to work around it. I thought there’s no way to make it track the source file,
but thanks to Armael I’ve learnt I just needed to specify (deps ...)
to make it work.
You also need to remember to add --table
to Menhir flags, and to link menhirLib
into the executable, since incremental API
parsers are not standalone.
Here’s my file:
; Produce the lexer from src/bnf_lexer.mll
(ocamllex bnf_lexer)
; --table enables the incremental API
; src/bnf_parser.mly will be turned into and bnf_parser.mli
(flags --table)
(modules bnf_parser))
; The target for saving menhir's stdout to
(deps bnf_parser.messages bnf_parser.mly)
(action (with-stdout-to %{targets} (run menhir --compile-errors %{deps}))))
(name bnfgen)
(public_name bnfgen)
; Important: incremenetal API requires linking menhirLib
(libraries menhirLib))
The declarative approach definitely seems promising.
As of now, there are some sharp edges:
- Output to stdout makes build integration harder than it should be.
- Small changes in the grammar sometimes cause big changes in the error states.
I couldn’t get the
option to work. It’s is supposed to help with updating errors on grammar changes, but its syntax is unusually fragile.
Since it’s quite new (based on a 2016 paper, I hope it will be improved soon.