Posts tagged "servers"

Migrating to the new server part 2: moving from Cyrus to Dovecot

Last update: 2018-08-19.

Tags: servers, self-hosted

It's been a while since I published the first part. In case you were worrying how the rest of migration went, well, I ended up with an operational system quickly, even if because I decided not to change the rest of it yet. However, a bug in Cyrus IMAPd made me make perhaps the biggest change in my email setup since its inception. This post chronicles my migration to Dovecot.

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Migrating to the new server part 1: base system and the web server

Last update: 2018-03-09.

Tags: servers, self-hosted

My current VPS is running CentOS 6, and, frankly, it long started showing its age. Not very surprising if we remember that it was released in 2011. Even with all efforts from EPEL, Remi, and Software Collections maintainers, running new applications on new OS versions is obviously easier than on old verions. That's why I decided to migrate to Fedora, and it was much easier than I thought.

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