Static Site Generators
Static website generators were always obvious to me, but at some point I realized that it's only because I hang out in circles where they are commonly used. Lately I've realized that a number of people even in the web development field are still unaware of them, or were told wrong things about them.
To make things worse, most website generator websites (including my own) are written as if the reader already knows what's going on and only wants to know if they want to use that exact generator or not.
Here I'm saying the things that usually get omitted.
→ Brief history of web architectures
I start from the beginning of times, but bear with me.
In the beginning, a website was just a bunch of HTML files in a directory. Every page was handcrafted. It's simple and has very low performance requirements, but it's obvious that managing any site with more than a few pages that way is a massive headache.

That is why people got an idea to separate the content from presentation and generate pages dynamically. Page content would be stored in a database. When a request comes in, a content management system or another web application extracts page content from the database, assembles a page from it using a template/theme, and serves it to the user.

This approach makes it easy to manage large sites. If you are changing the visual design, you just change the templates. It also enables interaction with visitors, which gave rise to Web 2.0.
However, performance requirements are much higher and servers become sensitive to traffic surges. This gave rise to the infamous “slashdot effect” when a sudden popularity spike makes a website completely inaccessible because the server can't handle the load, and adding server resources in a timely manner is not always trivial.
Something had to be done about it. The key observation is that even on websites with interactive features, most of the content stays unchanged most of the time. The CMS just wastes CPU cycles rendering the same content for every request.
That's why people created caching proxies and content delivery networks that serve end users a static copy of the page unless its content has changed.

Now, the last step to static website generators. Notice that over time, the caching server builds a complete static copy of your website. If you don't have interactive features like comments or you outsource them to external services, the CMS is now a dead weight: it does nothing useful at that point, but it still listens to requests, exposing potential security vulnerabilities.
→ Enter static website generators
Instead of having a CMS generate pages on demand, you can use a program that generates all your pages at once, and then you can serve it as a static website.
This way you still free from having to write every page by hand, but you are also free from having to keep the CMS running and up to date.

→ What can static generators do
Everything that a CMS can do, except interaction with visitors.
These things are possible and there are generators that support them:
- Customizeable content models and taxonomies.
- Asset management and collections (galleries etc.)
- Multilingual websites.
- Graphical frontends for website management.
The hardest part is to choose which one to use because there are so many of them. I've just made my own.